Powder Metallurgical Steels

Powder Metallurgy enables us to produce components that have the same properties in all directions, such as flanged connection valves. It offers significant material savings and low turning costs. Powder Metallurgy is the technology of the future. Demands on “Tool Durability and Performance” cause powder metallurgical steels to be preferred more and more every day in the production of high performance and cold work tools such as thread cutting tools.


Description Applications
DIN Norm
Perfo Powder PM10 - 2,45 5,30 1,30 9,80 Suitable for cold work applications, knives and high wear component. Suitable for cold work applications, knives and high wear component. Perfo Powder PM15 - 1,60 4,00 5,00 12,00 5,00 Suitable for high performance cutting molds. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Suitable for high performance cutting molds. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Perfo Powder PM23 - 1,28 4,00 5,00 3,10 6,40 Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Perfo Powder PM30 - 1,28 4,20 5,00 3,10 6,40 8,50 Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Perfo Powder PM39 - 1,60 4,80 2,00 5,00 10,50 8,00 Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Perfo Powder PM53 - 2,48 4,20 3,10 8,00 4,20 Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Suitable for high performance needed cold work cutting tools. This grade can be used different PVD coating types. Perfo Powder PM60 - 2,30 4,20 7,00 6,50 6,50 10,5 Unlike the other, this grade provides high wear resistance and high compressive strength. Unlike the other, this grade provides high wear resistance and high compressive strength. Perfo Powder PM 4 - 1,40 4,20 5,00 4,10 5,80 Suitable for cold work applications. Suitable for cold work applications.

Cryogenic Process

In high carbon cold work tool steels, when the martensitic transformation is completed at minus degrees, a cryogenic process is applied to minimize the amount of residual austenite.

Thanks to this process applied at -196 degrees, the toughness and wear resistance of the materials are particularly purified.

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providing high performance 

New Generation
High Performance Steels®



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